East London Photographers’ Archive
About this Archive

The East London Photographers Archive (ELPA) represents a group of photographers whose work explores east London from an artistic, topographical, historic and social perspective. The group has evolved from what was originally known as the East End Archive, initiated in the Photography department at London Metropolitan University in the East End. Here work was largely collected on an ad hoc basis, relating to visiting photographers and local tutors whose practice explored the area. The ELPA was established with the twin aims of developing and expanding the existing collection to more fully represent the diverse range of contemporary photographic practices related to east London, and to provide an archival destination for the work of established photographers that might otherwise disappear from public view.
The Archive aims to consolidate and grow its current collection at Bishopsgate Institute to include more work by women, LGBTQ+ practitioners and those from ethnic minority backgrounds. Photography held in the collection ranges from traditional documentary photography to 'works of the imagination' and contains bodies of work rather than single images in order to appreciate the photographers’ methods and approach, and to establish a contemporary context for the works.
The ELPA will actively recommend items for future inclusion in the archive, with particular emphasis on new or previously unseen work by contemporary practitioners. The ELPA is guided by a steering committee, which drives the building of the contemporary collection, working with the Bishopsgate Institute in an advisory role.
Its fundamental purpose is to provide an accessible archive, to disseminate and promote the material, organise exhibitions, displays and events, and to educate.
The ELPA is conceived as a contemporary archive for the future.