Jim Stewart Archive
About this Archive

Administrative/Biographical History:
Maurice Stewart-Addison, more often known as Jim Stewart, was born in Leicester, England, in 1932. He grew up in a family of theatre professionals and hobbyists, and consequently was involved in theatre from a very young age. Jim continued to work within theatre for the rest of his life, most frequently behind the scenes in writing and directing.
Jim’s interest in bondage began at a very early age – chief among these influences was the escape artist Harry Houdini, whose escape attempts involving 19th century irons and strait-jackets inspired Jim, and ultimately led to the creation of Fetters.
Fetters was established in the 1970s, selling what was initially referred to as ‘Houdinia’, a euphemism designed to avoid legal problems or censorship, however as time went on, the Fetters catalogues expanded from Strait-jackets and manacles to include head cages, sleep-sacks, hoods, sex-toys and more. Fetters catered to a variety of customers, and eventually expanded to supply both European and American markets. Jim would also provide ‘sessions’ for those who wanted to try on and test the products sold by Fetters, filming and photographing these for use in Fetters catalogues or on Houdini Connections, Jim’s website. Jim was also an avid writer, and through Fetters published a number of fictional stories and fact sheets that covered a range of topics within the world of BDSM and restraint, with titles such as 'So I Like to Get Tied Up... So What?', and ‘Houdini Connections: A Sensual Adventure Story’. Jim and Fetters became an important contact to a world of people who lacked the knowledge or means to explore these aspects of their sexuality elsewhere, evidenced by a variety of stories, photographs, and correspondence within the collection.
Scope and Content:
Papers from the Jim Stewart archive, including: biographical documents about Fetters and Jim Stewart; photographs, negatives, and printed contact sheets from photoshoots used for Fetters catalogues, books, advertising, and the Houdini Connections website; illustrations and art by Joe T, Sean, Stapleton and various others; a Mackintosh themed photo album; miscellaneous materials un-related to Fetters or BDSM, mostly from writing groups and theatre; manuscripts, research, and notes from Jim's book 'Living Memory'; military books and magazines; catalogues and ephemera from other organisations and suppliers; press cuttings from Dungeon Master; assorted press cuttings covering topics of law enforcement, torture, Fetters, BDSM and kink, rope bondage, escape artists, and other miscellaneous interests of Jim's; Fetters catalogues and advertisements; official business documents; product design records; correspondence between Jim and others; articles from or for Jim's website Houdini Connections; information sheets and articles produced by Fetters; various projects Jim was involved in; unpublished erotic fiction; and fiction and non-fiction publications produced by Fetters (1909-2013)
9 boxes, 1 loose folder