People’s Pride Archive Donation Consent

By donating to the People’s Pride Archive you give your permission to Bishopsgate Institute to archive and make available your documents and story for the purposes of not-for-profit education and research. This also means we have your permission to catalogue your materials to enable this to happen. This does not in any way compromise your own copyright for these items.

Please refer to question 3 on the submission form to give your consent to share your archive donation on our website and social media, then question 4 to give consent for it to be shared with the media.

Please note that Bishopsgate Institute Special Collections and Archives will keep a record of your contact details in hard copy for archive processing purposes only. We will only contact you in relation to the material you have deposited. We will not pass your details on to any third party without your permission and will comply with the General Data Protection Regulations 2018 (Data Protection Act 2018).

If you have any concerns or would like to place any conditions on access to and use of your documents and ephemera, please contact Bishopsgate Institute to discuss this further.

Contact Details:

Stefan Dickers
Special Collections and Archives Manager,
Bishopsgate Institute, 230 Bishopsgate,
London EC2M 4QH

Tel: 020 7392 9270