As an independent charity, we need your support to care for and share our unique archives, create inspiring learning experiences for more people, and keep our Grade II* listed building open to all.
We have been significantly impacted by Covid-19 and the challenging economic situation. This makes donations from supporters like you more important than ever. By supporting Bishopsgate Institute today, you will join a special community of people ensuring we can exist for generations to come.
How can I make a donation?
You can use the buttons below. You might also consider leaving us a gift in your Will. If you’d like to discuss a donation, please email us at enquiries@bishopsgate.org.uk
How your donation helps
Support our library and archives
We believe that everyone’s story matters. Our archives are devoted to the experiences of everyday people, and the extraordinary individuals and organisations who have strived for social, political, and cultural change. Help us to keep gathering, preserving and sharing these stories.
Support our inspiring learning programme
We bring people together through learning and shared passions. We spark imaginations, teach new skills and connect people to the past. Help us to develop more creative events and classes, and to offer more opportunities to learn for free, for those who need it most.
Restore and maintain our Grade II* listed building
Help us to maintain our extraordinary building, first opened in 1894, and keep it open and accessible to all.
Can I leave a legacy?
If you would like to remember us in your Will, we would be happy to discuss this process with you. Please email us at enquiries@bishopsgate.org.uk
Can I hire your spaces?
You can also support our work by hiring one of our extraordinary spaces for your next meeting, away day, reception or conference. Ask our events team for more information; they will be happy to help.